Request [Free] Desperately Need a Free Intro

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Have taken one of my long breaks on youtube and wanting to return. I record gaming, methods, tips,etc. Looking to start a new series but need a new 25 second intro which I have planned out fully, however my laptop is broken and I can not create it. Anybody that would be willing to do this for me (free) I would be immensely grateful. Edit: Will also of course give shout out and credit for intro with every video using in the series. - Malevolent Game
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I guess I'll explain the intro to hopefully get some response lol. Capital MG center screen, chrome style letters. M slides to left side of the screen after 5 seconds and G to the right to spell Malevolent Game. After 5 seconds they return center, rotate then spread again to spell Game Master (which is the name of the new series) during all this the first 20 seconds of Disturbed-Inside the Fire plays. The buildup with maniacal laughter would make the song choice perfect. If anybody can do this please please respond. - Malevolent Game
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