Services Free Channel Banners for Excellent Channels!

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Loving YTtalk
How is it going, my name is FlashToro, & I am a Gamer and a Graphics Designer. I have made Banners for others before and now I'm making free banners again to help me build a portfolio! However there are restrictions this time, you MUST be a hard working channel. I apologize but I will not make Banners for people straight out of the Youtube "womb" or for people with very poor quality videos. I have done that before and regret it due to them not even continuing their channels whatsoever so I felt as if I worked for nothing. If you want me to make you a banner then leave a link or if your sign has it that'll suffice. Reply saying why you want/need the banner for your channel & how hard have you been working on your channel!

*Examples of Banners Coming Soon*
No replies? o.o That's actually really surprising.

I'd love to get a banner done for my channel. The banner I have currently I feel is kind of plain, and I'd like to get one designed that's not just text on a background.

Right now it might not seem like I'm uploading much, but that's because I'm currently on spring break and my internet at home is complete s**t. I actually have 5 videos sitting in a folder on my desktop waiting to go, and I'm working on some more. Would be a lot more, but I lost all the games I had downloaded before break somehow.


I try to be active with my fanbase and produce quality content, so I would like to think that I'm a hard working YouTuber. I actually used to do a lot more editing, but I can't figure out how I can implement what I had before into my current solo videos. You'd be surprised how much more difficult it is to find inspiration for editing when it's just you xD

Anyways, I hope that that was enough explaining. Hope to hear from you soon.
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