Services Free C4D Minecraft Avatars (limited time)


YTTalk Shape Shifter
So I decided that I wanted to make some avatars for people on c4d using the minecraft rig I got, and so I'll make you a minecraft avarar for free! I'll be making a certain amount, I can't get round to everyone depending on how many people reply to this thread ;)

Simply tell me the sort of thing that you want, and include your skin, letting me know if you want the hat, color of background etc. Also, let me know if you want a png too :)

Here are some examples i've done, I was thinking about making a paid service but i'm not yet skilled enough for that :p
I want one! Ign- NIPSTER1. I want there to be a blue or grey background. Just a picture of my character :)

And I would also like the png :)
Hey, i'll take one Ign: RogueTree
I'll have it with a light green backround and my guy holding a bow shooting a zombie
also add me on skype: nick12349theking