Forum Signature Question (Is this breaking the rules?)

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The Talk Handed One
Hey guys, i know we are not meant to ask people to subscribe in posts, but is it ok to do so in your forum signature? Aka the way i have done in mine? or should i remove this?

I got a little bored today so i made this gif this morning but now that it is on i'm not sure if i'm breaking any rules with it?
From what I've read promoting is against the rules in any thread outside the promotion thread, but it's accepted in signatures as you're promoting yourself via your video anyways, so an extra message doesn't hurt. I've read no where that you can't ask people to subscribe, like, comment, watch or anything in your signature. + It's a very amusing GIF xD
That's awesome! And smart!! I want to do something like that for myself to make my channel a little larger to become known.
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