Flashback Effect/Look?

Aaron Maagma

YTtalk Mad
Do you guys know how to make the flashback effect or look? Not the one with the bright lights or white vignettes... The flashbacks where the clip is a bit slo-but not really slo-mo, more like laggy? I don't really know how to describe it...
not really like a glow... :\ I can't describe the look. >__< it's like a low framerate clip, at the same time it's not slomo.

Well maybe just slower the footage a little bit, throw in some noise and maybe make it a little brighter. In Vegas Pro these action are really easy to do.
I actually would like to make a flashback like in the video.
If you can give us more information on what you are actually trying to do we can help. As of right now it's quite vague. Also what editing software are you using?
Do you mean where it chops out a little bit of the film to make it look choppy and unclear? Like there are pieces of the puzzle missing so to speak? and maybe a slight ghost trail on objects to make it look like they are moving in a weird / slower way?

Really confused with the info given.
Do you mean like repeating words and its all fuzzy and glitchy. They did that in the TV shows Prison Break and lost, its a cool effect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you mean where it chops out a little bit of the film to make it look choppy and unclear? Like there are pieces of the puzzle missing so to speak? and maybe a slight ghost trail on objects to make it look like they are moving in a weird / slower way?

Really confused with the info given.
EXACTLY THIS ONE! THIS ONE! you got the ideaaa![DOUBLEPOST=1369524068,1369524019][/DOUBLEPOST]
Do you mean like repeating words and its all fuzzy and glitchy. They did that in the TV shows Prison Break and lost, its a cool effect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YEAH! that one! when it's all "glitchy" and looks a bit slomo...[DOUBLEPOST=1369524145][/DOUBLEPOST]
If you can give us more information on what you are actually trying to do we can help. As of right now it's quite vague. Also what editing software are you using?
I got the idea, it's like... glitchy, it has like 15 frames per second then pulled back to 30 frames per second but instead of being slomotion, it gets choppy and laggy. I use premiere pro.
EXACTLY THIS ONE! THIS ONE! you got the ideaaa![DOUBLEPOST=1369524068,1369524019][/DOUBLEPOST]
YEAH! that one! when it's all "glitchy" and looks a bit slomo...
Someone with more experience in video editing will have to help with the specifics, and also it would be very helpful for us if you told us what editor you are using.

Basically what I would do is add a blur of sorts to blur out the edges of the film. Then I would cut out small parts of the film. Say Person (Jim) is at point A and then walks to point B. I would cut out some (Not all! he isn't teleporting) of the walking and then put him at point B and make it slower so it would show him sort of walking and then jolting forward like the flashback was incomplete. There are also effects to add ghost trails behind the object, which would leave a low opacity trail of the object behind him as he's walking, which shows the flashback as being incomplete and blurry.