First Video?


Loving YTtalk
So I've been on the forums for a while now but I haven't made my first video yet.

I wanna do like Vlogs or challenges or just talking about stuff. Maybe a little gaming.

What should I do for my first video though ?

I'm not the most comfortable person in front of a camera but I guess that's something that you get used to.

Any ideas ?

Kenny :)
A lot of people make a channel trailer describing what they will be doing.

And I've been on here with no channel too. You're not alone! It looks like you'll beat me to launching though. I'm waiting until September...
Yeah I would say do a channel trailer for your first one :) So then people who go to your channel know what stuff to expect in the future :) Also, before you even start editing any or anything, make a few videos just for yourself and then watch it back and see what you could improve on! It is really really strange talking to a camera at first but you do get used to it!! :D
Good idea! I've been wanting to do something for a while now but I get nervous and don't know what to do haha. Thanks for you answer :)[DOUBLEPOST=1373741937,1373741868][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah I would say do a channel trailer for your first one :) So then people who go to your channel know what stuff to expect in the future :) Also, before you even start editing any or anything, make a few videos just for yourself and then watch it back and see what you could improve on! It is really really strange talking to a camera at first but you do get used to it!! :D

Thanks :) I'll try and do some little tester videos then. That's a good idea.
I don't think a channel trailer is a good idea, (sorry for being the guy that is on the other side)
I think you need to develop your channel and know what you're going to be doing, what style of videos you're going to pursue, before you make a channel trailer.

In the meantime, I think you should explore your options.
Vlogging, okay. Try different types! Talk about different topics. Use different settings.
Gaming, alright. See what kinds of games you want to play, learn how to talk consistently while also reacting to a game.

I don't think a channel trailer is a good idea, (sorry for being the guy that is on the other side)
I think you need to develop your channel and know what you're going to be doing, what style of videos you're going to pursue, before you make a channel trailer.

In the meantime, I think you should explore your options.
Vlogging, okay. Try different types! Talk about different topics. Use different settings.
Gaming, alright. See what kinds of games you want to play, learn how to talk consistently while also reacting to a game.


Hey man. Thanks for you input. I guess I should really see what I'm more comfortable with first.
Yeah I would say do a channel trailer for your first one :) So then people who go to your channel know what stuff to expect in the future :) Also, before you even start editing any or anything, make a few videos just for yourself and then watch it back and see what you could improve on! It is really really strange talking to a camera at first but you do get used to it!! :D
*sorry off topic* but your hair is amazing! :) such a cool colour, most people who dye there hair purple it turns out awful :)