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Hello everyone :D As i have joined YT Talk, you may know that i have no idea what to do for my first ever.. video for my channel! I have no idea what i could do (What do vloggers do? AS IVE NEVER flogged in my life!!) Tips and hints will be very helpful for me to start my first video, you may even get a special mention :D
Well, an introduction to yourself would be the first bet as people who are gonna watch you want to get to know you c: I'm not a vlogger but it seems quite knowledgeable to start by introducing yourself, you might even want to look at other vloggers channels. Look at there first videos and get tips from that ;D
Just do a video about you, and who you are and what you want to do in this life.

Would be a good idea, im guessing people would want the youtube standard size i do have a webcam, but sometimes the quality on it can get blury, and i also have a iphone, i guess i would need to save up for a decent webcam/camera?
Would be a good idea, im guessing people would want the youtube standard size i do have a webcam, but sometimes the quality on it can get blury, and i also have a iphone, i guess i would need to save up for a decent webcam/camera?
Eventually you could save up.. I know you can get an HD webcam for under 100 dollars. But I would start doing videos with your Iphon or webcam now.
Would be a good idea, im guessing people would want the youtube standard size i do have a webcam, but sometimes the quality on it can get blury, and i also have a iphone, i guess i would need to save up for a decent webcam/camera?

I would definitely start one with a descent camera! c: People click off vlogs with bad quality, well at least I do. >.<
Just start now using your iphone and build an audience, and with vlogging you can talk about a specific topic, what on your mind, stories that have happened to you and practically anything :)
Its not the quality, my iphone is perfect but when it uploads to youtube though, i guess it would be the standard phone size of youtube? If that makes any sense ofcourse! .. My iphone is really sweet and the pixels are nice, i might try that, thank you john :)
From my experience people love vloggers for theyr hectic and exciting lifestyle and the everyday happening in their life, if you were gonna vlog be sure its something interesting and not just a vlog about how you ate a cookie for breakfeast and how you went to the shop fro bread or something, people watch vloggers for their stories I mean who doesnt like a good story, same goes with commentators. If your gonna vlog make sure you have somethign interesting to talk about or a funny story.