First Upload should be...

Chance C

I Love YTtalk
So ive been thinking.... and thinking...... and thinking. and a little more thinking about what my first video should be.

I think i will be doing a channel trailer to start with, and then possibly a gameplay video of some sort - and then a rant in that order so i can basically cover what most of my channel will be doing in 3 videos of some sort, and then when i get a little base i can expand that and do other sorts of things in the future.

What was your first video upload?
I'm not the best person to tell anyone what to do as I just started last friday and I haven't even got a channel trailer yet - still recording content for that - but I guess if you could you should post your channel trailer first up.
Sounds great, also a good idea is when you start to build a base ask your subs what they would like to see more of, Maybe a certain game, play with subs, things like that work great, good luck buddy, i will be sure to check it out
Introduce yourself. Tell us in video what you plan to do, what we can expect on you channel etc. It is good start. Channel trailer is good, you can mix that. :)
I just started and I also thought about my first video but I didn't know and since there were no subs yet I thought I will just start with a series first (I am a Let's Player).
But I guess I will make soon a intro for my channel. :)

So, I'd either make a intro for your channel or just get started.
You just have to get started, stop thinking, start doing. :)
Thanks for the replies some helped alot, will be heading into my first game series and other stuff like that this coming week, my schedule of recording and uploading will be Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday - Is this a reasonable schedule to follow?
Thanks for the replies some helped alot, will be heading into my first game series and other stuff like that this coming week, my schedule of recording and uploading will be Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday - Is this a reasonable schedule to follow?
Yeah that's seems like a reasonable schedule to follow, although posting that much might be difficult but if you do your best I'm sure you'll do it. :D