First Time I Have Ever Been Responded To By Youtube...


I've Got It
Mind you, now that I look at it, I think it's a bot. LOL

They age restricted one of my videos. For reasons unknown. In comparison if they age gated every video that was similar to what I had, almost every single gaming video would be age gated. But anyways. Like I said I finally was responded to on the Twit. Just thought I'd share.

Haven't seen the video, but hear it so many times. Looking from the other side, with so many users, and so many different opinions and laws I imagine this is a tough one to get right, and too costly to have a human in the loop for every video that's flagged by a bot. I kinda wish there was more I could do as a 'creator' to flag who my video are and are not appropriate for, if they are factual or opinion ect. but there isn't. Annoyance when the box with on one at the controls get's it wrong.
They age restricted another one of my videos. I was mad. It was a 8 year old video. That is when I did next to no editing on it. In the video I was changing outfits for Skyrim and the character model was naked, just a bare butt. It was in the first minute.

So I am not going to argue with that one. Still, a 720p pixelated bare bottom for 10 seconds? Don't they have something better to do then this? LOL.
Interesting, I just have whole channel set to "not made for kids" in Advanced settings. Do you think it makes any difference views wise? I guess it depends on topic too.
Interesting, I just have whole channel set to "not made for kids" in Advanced settings. Do you think it makes any difference views wise? I guess it depends on topic too.
I have had that cheeck marked since it was started.

To put it into perspective, they are creating or have created a platform just for Kids. Then they have implemented the 13 years old thing too. Then they are using a thumbnail review system that is pulling elbows, fuzzy cat pictures and fully clothed people standing around. Then they now have a very aggressive video review system that will nail you if it feel you have anything bad in the video...

Want to fight the gate or removal? I have seen more than one youtuber get 2-3-4 more videos demonetized randomly afterwards because they sent in a review of the age gate / removal. They don't stop at just the video in question apparently.

So bottom line. More BS from YT. Still with all the money in the world can't get anything right. Why build a complete platform for kids, only to do a sweeping censorship of the main platform? Why have the kids platform at all if everything on YouTube is "kids" friendly. It's like ordering a pizza, getting it then calling immediately again and ordering another one. Redundant, and a huge waste of time for everyone involved. I don't expect nor would I want "p**n" on the platform, there are far too many other places to get that... I just want to post videos. Have a fair shot at being in recommendations, not have them pull thumbnails that are well within their guidelines and a just a wee bit of transparency when it comes to what they are doing and what they are planning. Is that too much to ask? Apparently.

They wonder why they have lost billions of dollars over the last decade and a half.
To complain a bit more. They age gated my last video. It does have a clip in it of a girl dancing in a thong. It is 5 seconds long. OK. I am not going to complain much. Then my friend just sent me a link. A girl doing a try on haul, thongs, see throughs, etc. Been up 48 hours and not age gated.

Copy pasted:

"dood., they got you in their sites or somthing? This girl is practically naked, and they nail you for hopkins short clip? smh-lol"

So you are telling me, that my video with a 5 second clip inbetween Fallout 4 gameplay is worse than 9:36 of a girl in see through tops, thongs, nipple slips?

I know the board is all but dead but at least this is a bit theraputic for me. Venting a little on how bad Youtube is. I know I beat the dead horse, but if YT wasn't free, Youtube would be DED.
So they pulled my thumbnail again.

I want to go on some long winded rant, but I am not. I keep telling myself it is free, and there is no where else I can post 2-3GB videos so freely. But you get what you pay for, they implement a system that is really quite broke and we have to deal with it. Fully clothed video game characters standing around is against their sex and nudity policy... ??? But search "try on haul" or anything similar you you will see your fair share of nips, asses and sometimes even worse - with REAL people... right on the thumbnail.

The difference? They have 100K to 300K to 1M subs and tons of views. It makes Youtube money. Yeah, there is NO doubt that is the driving factor.


You shouldnt be.