
Fireviews does not guarantee that your video will be viewed under any time constraints, that's part of what makes them legit. You may notice your viral views climbing while your Fireviews go unclaimed. That's because no one is bound to interact with your video, but you have earned X number of interactions to be claimed eventually-- as more comments and thumbs up/down come in, those last seventy points will be distributed.
My fireviews remaining points take for ever to go, i have had 70 remaining points for like more than 2 hours?? why??
If you want traffic to your channel in general, one strategy is to load multiple videos into Fireviews Profiles, since there is a limited pool of users in the roulette at any give time, you can gain more views from fewer users if you have more content for the individual to view, or load up a single video with annotations and use it as a promotional tool.