Finding a style of presentation, the most difficult problem right now...


YTtalk Mad
So, as anyone in here will know, being authentic and original when making videos will go a long way in getting more people to watch your content, but what if you're not quite sure in what way you can do this best?

I'll take myself as an example, just because this particular problem is plaguing me as I type this...

I make gaming video's on my gaming channel with my gaming voice, nothing original so far... However, my channel is focused on reviewing smaller indie games, and therefore I make it a point to never upload a Let's Play or similar style of video because I believe that YouTube is completely saturated with those and they offer little to no value to the viewer.

Now, reviewing these games is the best thing I've ever done, taking after channels like TotalBiscuit and NorthernLion, who both dabble in the reviewing business. I love contacting developers and asking if I can feature their game on my channel, and they usually are happy to send me a build, but that's where the problem comes in...

I don't seem to be comfortable with the way I present these games! I've tried making them like actual "proper" reviews, stating facts and an entertaining and strict way, following a pre-written scripts of what I want to say about the game, and it made the whole thing feel robotic...

On the other hand I've tried reviewing without a pre-written script, just talking into my microphone about how I feel about the game, but this made it seem unprofessional and somewhat lazy, as I often struggle with things to say and have difficulty maintaining the flow of the video...

Have any of you ever experienced a problem like this? What did you do to "find your voice"? Am I a lost cause?

Cheers everyone, sorry for the long read!
It took me a while to find my voice as a presenter, but after I found it, it was brill. I'm actually presenting a radio show now :D
You need to experiment. It won't come to you overnight, but work at it and it will come :-)