Finally tried a video with more cuts, looking for feedback

Channel Your Random

Active Member
Hey all

So for the past 2 months (since I started the vlog segment on my channel), I've been trying to avoid the typical style vlog video with lots of cuts and clever shots. However after a while I started to realize just how important those aspects are to keeping a video entertaining. So I guess I have two questions.

1) I'd like some feedback on my 12/20 vlog on my channel (the "I'm Sick :( one). It was completely different for me and I'm not sure how I feel about the editing, so I'd like to know how it comes across, particularly to someone who's never seen the rest of my channel.

2) How do you guys decide how you're going to edit your video in terms of using a lot of cuts (mainly between dialogue), and unique camera shots. Thanks!
1) I watched your last video and it looks really professional. You did a good job on the cuts, i noticed no difference between your cuts and the cuts that popular vloggers do, so great job on that.

2) I'm not a vlogger, but i do a lot of cuts too. I record myself many times and then i only stick with the best recordings, everything else i cut it and i delete it. On this phase that you are right now (beggining to build your YT channel) you should do small vloggs with only the most important parts of the day. Because new people don't want to spend as much time in your channel as they would spend in a channel with 1 Million subs. So i would gradually increase my vloggs time as i'm getting more subs.
Good luck and don't give up.
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