Feeling good about next video idea!

James Lewis

YTtalk Mad
So I don't know if you all saw my post in the 'Collaborations and Meet-ups" section just yesterday, but I had posted asking for people to make terribly funny singing covers for me to put in a part of my next video. I personally feel pretty good about the idea at hand because I feel like this video is going to be pretty hilarious and may get a fair amount of attention because of the cross promoting that will be going on for the video. I still have not written the script for my parts yet, but I am getting on that in the next day or two. Just thought I would put that out there that I felt good about this idea! :) This seemed like the right section to post this thread in. I am still looking for another 2 people to join also if you're interested, but if you are interested then go to the collaborations section and find my thread "Any bad singers out there???" Because I know this section was not meant for collaboration talk necessarily.