Fav youtuber?

My favorite famous YouTuber would have to be Tessa Violet of Meekakitty. I also like JennaMarbles and sXePhil and of course Natalie Tran (but where is she!?!?). I have to admit I think KassemG is hilarious, although he's one of the main Maker Studios sell outs so I kinda consider him the Antichrist.
My favorite non-famous YouTuber is a girl w/channel name CourtneyAbbruzzese. She's so awesome.
Honestly... right now it's Alex Day. I know I know,soooo mainstream!

But out of the lesser known ones itswypastmybedtime :)
Everyone that does survive the first Year and that just doesn`t give up after don`t becoming an Star over Night. Don`t get me wrong - Smosh, Ray William Johnson,...and all those others are Great but there are Millions of YouTuber out there who deserve the same among of popularity each Day similar to a few once that are getting it nowadays.