Hi guys first off good fay to you for stopping by. ok here is my situation. Im a youtuber who likes to post and talk about games that are not out on the market yet. I notice that games like Mortal Kombat X 7 Batman Arkham Knight Have tones of trailers out and I see other youtubers doing reactions to them and even some doing commentaries talking about the footage. How do we tell if the footage is ok you use as its taking it from the company and reusing it the same as we do game footage but I dont want to start doing this and get a content strike like street fighter 5 did to people can anyone give me some insite on this situation that would be greatly appreciated . I even want to re post some trailers to my channel is that okay or not because I see a lot of other channels who dont clearly have permission doing this and for anyone who will say contact the company Iv tried and I never ever get a answer from them. Thanks in advance guys for your help.