False ContentIDs


Hey guys, for the second time I get these false claims from suspicious content managers. First time I got claim was on a song where I used an acapella which was shared publicly for people to do whatever they want with it (the claim was not for the original song just another remix, if the monetization was going to the artist I wouldn't dispute or delete the song). So naturally I disputed but it didn't resolve nothing, so I deleted the song from youtube (because why would I let somebody else monetize what we have created right?). Now I got some ridicolous claim...

My song: Buddahmann - My level (Cross Beats Remix) - its on my channel
The song they claim I used: Mad duo - Party people

I hope this time I can resolve the claim, but I'm afraid content managers are using my location in their advantage. As far as I know content managers can deny disputes and appeals (leading to a copyright strike) by themselves even if their claim is false and its illegal (which can be a pain in the cash for creators)...

My question is can I protect myself from a potential lawsuit? (I know they won't fail a lawsuit for false claims I'm just curious) I'm in europe, so what happends if they fail a suit in USA or something? If I'm not present do I lose the lawsuit even tho I'm not infringing any rights? Should I even appeal for a song that I'm not even monetizing if that could mean a strike for something I created ?