Fair use


Loving YTtalk
I'm doing a top 5 channel and I want to use part of other YouTubers' videos inside of my video. I will be talking throughout the entire video and the content from the YouTubers will only be after I say facts about the YouTubers. Is this Fair Use and can I do this? This isn't a bad type of video, either. I will only be talking good things about the YouTubers so I think it will be fine?
I mean people do this a lot, but if its bigger youtubers I don't think it will matter to much, but than again you are using some of their content. Not exactly sure honestly /:
Fair use can only be defined in a court of law... and, even then, it's an incredibly grey area. That said, I've never heard of a good outcome for 'Top 5' lists.

It's tough to say if you'd get a strike or not as that's up to the channel's video you'd be using, but understand that any one of them could easily issue a takedown notice....and, with 5 channels listed per video, the odds of that happening only go up.
Ok, but if this isn't fair use, how are LeafyIsHere's videos fair use? Every one of his videos have content from other people in them.
Ok, but if this isn't fair use, how are LeafyIsHere's videos fair use? Every one of his videos have content from other people in them.
He uses them for 'comedic purposes' or so he says, though most people would say what he's doing is more bullying than satire.
Ok, but if this isn't fair use, how are LeafyIsHere's videos fair use? Every one of his videos have content from other people in them.

Who said they are? It could very easily be that people simply haven't reported him, don't care to risk the hassle of a legal battle, or they enjoy the free publicity from him.

The same could be said about every single 'Top 5' or complication video.
In addition to everything said, reviewing the content is a pretty standard type of use that would likely be considered Fair Use, so if you are providing an evaluation of it instead of just your reactions to it, it would be better in favor of it. Also, a negative or positive review doesn't affect it at all.