Facerig Webcam, yay or nay?

Jetpi99 Gaming

I've Got It
So I recently got facerig, a software that recognises your facial expressions from a webcam and projects them onto an avatar. I've been using this for nearly two weeks as my webcam. It does have the benefits of showing my emotions and facial expressions whitout requiring me to show my face everywhere on the internet. However, it isn't always accurate and I often get lag and desync.
Could you please have a quick look at my newest video and tell me if this facerig webcam is making the video better or worse? Should I keep it or not? Thank you for your help.
I think it's a great idea.Technical difficulties amy be annoying, but this is definitely something that makes you stand out. I don't know of any other YouTubers that use this, so it's pretty unique!
Thank you for having a look! It does make me stand out, you're right with that. I think I'll keep it, maybe try to decrease lag.