"Faceless" YouTubers


I've Got It
I was just wondering what everyone's opinion was on "faceless" YouTubers - people who have channels and commentate or do some kind of blog/vlog variation but do not show their faces. There are a few people I am aware of on YouTube that do this, due to privacy, anxiety, etc. and don't even show their faces on social media. It seems to drive some of their subscribers crazy with mystique and curiosity but I just wanted to ask - do you think this is a hindrance to channels?

As much as we would like to think that people subscribe to people for their content I feel that there are certain YouTubers who may gain a small proportion of subscribers by the way that they look (which is not to denigrate or downplay their channel or content), whereas those who don't reveal their faces may actually inadvertently and unknowingly build some kind of mystery around the way that they look. I know some of you probably think that this isn't very important and maybe it isn't, but I just wanted to know.

So, do you feel that not revealing your face makes people focus more on your actual video content? Or would it make it harder for people who are starting out?
I used to think about this topic before, but then I thought "HEY DUDE, YOU LOOK SO HANDSOME, JUST SHOW IT MAN"
So I just decided to show my beautiful FACE LOLzzz
Well ya some people decide not to show their face bcz
1. Parents don't allow them
2. Anxiety of being judged over looks
3. They are not interested
4. Avoid any spams e.g. many Katy Perry haters had made p**n photos on her Face! Too ridiculous for being famous

So I think if people can't deal with these issues, they should stay hidden! And offcoarse everyone is curious, e.g. if you listen to a song, you will be curious to see how the singers look like, isn't it? This is the reason, they get more subs :D
Facecams imo don't go well with all types of gaming videos, I would put it in horror games but not videos on others like Minecraft or Call of Duty, it just doesn't fit in as there no benefit of it being there other than the person seeing your face, at least with Horror games it's there to let them see your reaction but not with other games.
For a while I didn't use my face because I didn't have a webcam. Though it is understandable that some people don't want to show theirs.
I feel like the faceless video is more of a gamer video thing? I don't watch those because I find them incredibly boring. I'm fine with faceless nature shows though. I'm not watching for the host's gorgeous looks, I'm watching because wild animals eating and breeding is fascinating! So I guess that as long as whatever is being presented in the visual plane is interesting, a face doesn't need to be present.
I was just wondering what everyone's opinion was on "faceless" YouTubers - people who have channels and commentate or do some kind of blog/vlog variation but do not show their faces. There are a few people I am aware of on YouTube that do this, due to privacy, anxiety, etc. and don't even show their faces on social media. It seems to drive some of their subscribers crazy with mystique and curiosity but I just wanted to ask - do you think this is a hindrance to channels?

As much as we would like to think that people subscribe to people for their content I feel that there are certain YouTubers who may gain a small proportion of subscribers by the way that they look (which is not to denigrate or downplay their channel or content), whereas those who don't reveal their faces may actually inadvertently and unknowingly build some kind of mystery around the way that they look. I know some of you probably think that this isn't very important and maybe it isn't, but I just wanted to know.

So, do you feel that not revealing your face makes people focus more on your actual video content? Or would it make it harder for people who are starting out?
I rarely show my face in my videos since most of mine are me behind the camera. Even my ski video I have a mask and goggles on (only because it was freezing). I think my face is in the whole video for maybe 4 or 5 videos, they are all videos of painful things (spicy challenges, stun guns, pepper spray). My whopping 560 subs must be dying to see the mystery man every single day!
I do not really have a gaming channel or vlog, but I absolutely do not show my face. That's a conscious choice.
I don't mind either way when it comes to LP's, but if you're going to do comedy/vlogs, you're either going to have to animate really well or show your face. I just can't sit there and watch a blank or motionless screen for as long as some videos go on, and I'd rather just watch someone else. I see it as something professional that is necessary to those types of videos unless you are a good animator.
As for myself. On my old channel I only made content that didn't require me to show my face or even let people hear my voice. All because of insecurities!

So with my new channel, I thought to myself "Just suck it up and do it already" and I did. Handled all my insecurities in one swoop :p
Theres plenty of channels who get subscribers for their looks, some even the majority :D

I don't mind faceless youtubers, but if its somthing other than gaming ect..., i feel it would take a lot of getting used to