Facebook Ads to get 4000h watch hours.


New Member
Greetings, I can't find anywhere on the internet if views gained from Facebook Ads that lead to my video, count towards 4000 watch hours required to get monetization?

I know that Google Ads don't count.
But I can't get a definitive answer for Facebook Ads...
How does YouTube know that the views come from Facebook ads?

DO not wate your time or money doing it to get monetized. Do it for more strategic reasons.
not really... if you have to pay to cross the threshold to get monetized on your channel then your channel isn't getting enough views to actually make money. Just because your channel is monetized doesn't mean you get enough views to actually get paid. If you just barely pass the threshold then you might make 10 bucks a year AND I think you don't get paid until you cross $100.
I agree you shouldn't pay for ads to get your channel monetize. Get real views to cross that threshold. Paying say 100 bucks to get
monetized will probably cost you more money then you'll make. And let's not forget that your monetization eligibility is checked monthly... so if in the past 6 months you haven't gotten enough views you'll lose it (which is very possible when you had to pay for an ad to cross the threshold).

I'm not sure if that's what cbayne meant... but that's what I mean.
Feel free to buy ads, but buying ads to get
monetized makes absolutely zero financial sense to me. . . unless maybe if you are going to buy 100's and 100's of ads so your channel goes viral off the ad.

coz once channel is monetized every video that brings views is money.
If the channel was getting enough views to make actual money, it wouldn't need to pay for ads to get monetized...