Exact same content, 2 channels but diff language

There’s a channel that has another channel connected to it.
Both channels have the exact same content, same thumbnail, diff title and diff language.
Is this allowed on YouTube? Or is it only allowed until it’s reported?
Both are monetized.
I have seen quite a few of these within travel as well.

I guess it would be considered reused in a meaningful way. But I would prefer the lesser competition from just 1 channel. ;)
It depends on if the original copyright holder gave them permission to do so. If not, no. It's not okay. It's copyright infringement. Translating content doesn't count as "reused in a meaningful way" at least not in the USA.

For example, Linus Tech Tips has all of their video re-uploaded to a Chinese video platform by a 3rd party team. At first, the people re-uploading it were doing it illegally, but then Linus reached out talked to them, and told them to stop. The team then told Linus why they were doing it, (because Youtube isn't available in China without VPN) and later they worked some deals over and Linus hired them to do it legally.

As with all things like this though, you want it in writing. If they are okay with it now and then 3 months from now aren't, not having a contract equals your channel gets 3 strikes and deleted.

That's my 2 cents. Hope that helps.