Evil Phone Camera


s h o o k e t h
I have no idea if this is in the right area, but that's why Ken is around. He'll fix all of our problems for us. :) @JohnKenShow .

Anyway, I tested my phone camera again earlier in the night, to see if it would magically upgrade in quality. It didn't, but I did come up with a way to utilize this camera for the better. It has this natural grainy feel to it when it's in the dark (hell, in the light too), but it also captures amazing sound. It also has a black and white option for recording.

So, I came up with an idea to just film so creepy, wrestling style promo while sitting in my bathtub (don't hate >_>), wearing a hoodie and ski hat. I came up with the idea to talk about everything that is "wrong" with YouTube (still have to figure that out).

I'll be playing a character here. So what do y'all think? Should I at least try it out? :P