Equipment and Software Doesn't Make You Better!


YTTalk Shape Shifter
Hi there, so...many of the big time youtubers like smosh, freddiew, corridor digital etc, have expensive equipment and software for their videos, and people who want to make good videos are often discouraged by this of the fact they don't have the same programs as these youtubers, therefor, an idea is developed that without fancy software and equipment making a good video is not possible. Well that's WRONG!

These people who do fancy special effects may use after effects or cinema 4d, which are hard to get a hold of considering the price tag, but really these programs won't make the video any better. It's all down to you to make a decent video, the editors don't edit by themselves! Someone has had the skill to know what to do and see what makes a good video, you could have after effects but not be able to make a realistic effect, it is the person who makes it good, not the software. Free programs like imovie (if you are on mac) and windows movie makes (on pc) are able to cut, caption and transition, that's all it takes to make a good film. If you have the right knowledge then you can make an awesome video with jump cuts and music with a simple program. If you can cut clips and put them together, your ready to go! Short films with no editing done at all have won awards, so a program isn't going to change the video quality, same goes for equipment, if you know how to be creative you can make your own fancy camera techniques.

The ups and downs are, starting with ups. You can make some really good stuff with the ability to cut and add music, and you can do this for free with the free editing software's with mac and pc's. Even with other free downloadable software you can do some really cool professional looking stuff for the price of $0. The downs are that without the fancy software some special effects like 3D bullet, green screening or other sort of thing like that, but hey, most of these things are up for a free 30 day trial! So there's no reason not to be able to try some fancy software. And as for cameras, all I can say, is that the resolution means nothing, if you make something good the entertainment side of it will overcome the quality. As you go on it will be good to get better software and cameras but usually it is best to start off basic learn more about harder stuff, and work you way up :)
The way I see it is there is an upper limit to each tier of equipt and software. You can make your videos as great as they can come out in windows movie maker with a flip camera, then when you master that you can move up to say sony vegas and a $300-400 DSLR and you can get make the upper limit of quality videos for that bracket, then you can move up to a $2k+ camera and learn how to do effects in after effects or 4d and then you can make the best possible videos at that level before you move up again to short films and cinematography, etc.
This is my studio, for my "vlogging" channel (I hate the word Vlog, it sounds so cheap and tacky to me)

Camera is a Samsung R10 and the lighting is by Photosel:
how much did that cost you? Looks cool!

I bought it more than a year ago back when I inherited some money, back then I was stupid when it came to money, but something good came out of it at least. The Photosel lights were £119 according to Amazon UK, and the camera is £180.
I record my videos with my iPhone lol and only my iPhone. I use an app called FiLMiC Pro and it's incredible. It's amazing what a small device like an iPhon can do. Without it I'd be screwed lol