Entertainment Ideas

Callum Rowley

I've Got It
Hi guys,
Me and my friend are REALLY in need of some ideas. We do everyday entertainment videos, as well as tutorials etc. I have a really good DSLR and a good audio recorder so that is no problem! We really need some ideas and would love it if any of you guys could give us some. We will talk about/do anything, so please, no matter how big, small or stupid, please leave your ideas now! :)
Thanks guys,
Well, we do special features of ninja stuff and stunts, as well as short films. We were wanting to do some extra stuff that was new, and were wondering if you had any ideas? Thanks, Callum
We were thinking of doing some hacking and lockpicking tutorials. Do you guys think youtube would have a problem with this?
You guys should make a video where you and your friend dress up like naruto and sauske, and instead of fighting make it a funny skit. With them trying to hide how gay they are for each other.
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