Tony Wedral

Active Member
hey guys, so one thing that hasn't been majorly talked about is the end card for a youtube video.
These are really helpful as they can help direct traffic from one video to another rather than just watching one video then the viewer leaves. I created mine with photoshop and there are video tutorials on how to do it, it is not too difficult as long as you are fairly comfortable with your editing software and know the layers it'll be a piece of cake but totally worth it. If you check out my channel you can see what I mean by an end card in each video, and I just thought i'd let you know that having one can really help you lot struggling with traffic to your channel!

If you need any help or stuff then please ask me anything but if not have a quick wizz for tutorial videos, spend a bit of time making one and watch your views grow! Sweet :)
Sorry for an unrelated comment, but you got some pretty impressive stats there, mate. How'd you get so much in so little time?
I dunno man, I just make videos that hopefully a younger audience could relate to and then just get my videos out on social media like facebook and twitter aha :) and upload regularly
I dunno man, I just make videos that hopefully a younger audience could relate to and then just get my videos out on social media like facebook and twitter aha :) and upload regularly
Are you doing a follow train on Twitter or something? If you did, I'd do the exact same thing - no shame in it.
nope aha, i just tweet a fair bit, and then whenever someone follows me i'll tend to follow 'em back as people then look and think 'oh i may get a free follow back from this guy' and so on, it kinda works haha just takes a while :)