End Screen Templates orbit thingy??


I Love YTtalk
Where are people getting these endscreen templates from? I Like the ones where the screen is divided into 4 with places to put a a couple of video and end cards .. and I especially like the ones where you have your round channel logo placed with a swirly thing that orbits it to draw attention along with a "subscribe here" text next to it. I could makes one but the orbit swirly thing would takes forever and would be too hard to do in fcpx
I see, looks nice and not so hard to animate. If you don't mind paying probably someone on Fiver can do it. Look at my intro of my video : How to master the autopick up. I paid like 10USD for that and what you are asking looks simpler. For outro I also use a 4 cards template, 2 videos, 1 subscribe to channel and 1 Patreon link! I might change it since I think 10 seconds is too long and kills watch time. I got the outro from Panzoid
I just viewed what you were talking about and I have to say it is incredibly simple and I feel as though anyone with even a little bit of After Effects & Photoshop knowledge could re-create. Like what @GameVestment said, someone with the right skills on Fiverr or even on here could potentially help you out with. Like I said, its not a very complex piece to make so it shouldn't take you long.