Dedicated Gamer and Youtuber
Is it worth it to buy an Elgato game capture device, or wait until Xbox One has twitch capabilities and take the saved streams and edit them. Any input helps thank you!
El Gato.
You don't want to have to quit gaming every 5 minutes to pull 5 minutes of sub-HD footage off your Xbone.
Some bigger youtubers are sponsored by them and if you go on their channel you can get a 5%-15% off code.Well time to start shopping! Hopefully I can score a holiday sale online somewhere
Exactly the kind of responses I was looking for thank you!I would say it's definitely worth it. I've had my El Gato for about a year now, and couldn't be happier with it. Its small, easy to set up and use, and has great quality. Would definitely recommend it.
Exactly the kind of responses I was looking for thank you!