ElementalGhostGamers - Let's Plays!

pretty good videos, nice quality of all the mics which so many people screw up on when they make group coms. funny banter between each other as well. and the videos are not too long which is a really big plus

Check out my videos if you have a chance :)
Hey mate,
thank you very much for the feedback.
I checked your videos out and thought they were great! Very funny, remind me of Tobuscus a bit :)[DOUBLEPOST=1352467689,1352437252][/DOUBLEPOST]Check out our new video,
[DOUBLEPOST=1352546997][/DOUBLEPOST]We have reached our first major milestone! 50 Subs and 600 views! Please check our channel out and help us get to the next milestone...100 subs![DOUBLEPOST=1352550497][/DOUBLEPOST]