Editing software?

Molly and Lizzie

Liking YTtalk
Hey, i'm looking for some cheap/free video editing software but i cant find any, my budget is kind of limited, can you help?
Which platform are you using? PC or MAC??
There are plenty of trial versions you could maybe use for a while, to get you started at least? The best ones depend on the platform being used.......
cheap and free u say D: Windows movie maker it is XD If yu rlly want good editing software then u will have to invist some money in it D: Srry man XD
You COULD crack/pirate software. Or you could use something like Lightworks/Windows Live Movie Maker to edit your vids. Y'know. Be all goody two shoes and stuff :)
Not gonna lie, windows movie maker seems bad but it's so freaking basic and actually works super well, trust me. :p