Post and play what interests you. Don't worry about views, subscribers, what people want you to post or getting big. Have fun
You might not have the creative YouTuber chops if you have run out of unique and interesting ideas. What you could do which is what a lot of people do on YouTube is make content that interests you. Talk about stuff that interests you, play games that interest you. If you have run out of ideas of what to post or make than you might be doing YouTube for the wrong reasons.
Back in September of 2012 when I decided I wanted to start a YouTube Gaming Channel I wanted to take it very slowly. I wanted to come up with ideas, sit and dwell on them so they would become creative, unique and interesting so I would be able to stand out. Also, I wanted to do YouTube for the right reasons. I didn't jump into making a channel, tackling the trends and doing everything everyone else was. Money and Recognition didn't cross my mind nearly as much as the excitment of having people to talk with about our common interests in gaming. Showing who you are is a very important part of YouTube. I wanted to show how creative, entertaining and interesting I can be but also still have people I can share my thoughts and ideas with. I studied many channels and the ins and outs of YouTube and I still don't have a channel where I have a single video I have created.
Just in the last month have I joined YTTALK and finally ordered parts for a new PC. I might not even get into making videos for another few months after those new PC parts arrive either. I wanted and still want to make a Gaming Channel that is about my interests in Gaming, Entertainment and Comedy. I have searched for the past two years and I have yet to find a YouTube channel with content similar to my hobbies and interests. I have got well over 60 video Ideas that I want to make and post (I am talking about just within the last month), about 20 of them can be adapted into a unique series of its own. Now I'm closer than ever to finally getting on YouTube but like I said I might not even be ready to post on YouTube. My point is, you seem like you have rushed into this YouTube thing and you don't really know why you have a channel that you are posting videos on or even what you want to post.
I know this has all sounded like a rant and maybe It sounds like I am trying to throw crap at you but just make your channel about you. To many people worry about what they are going to post next because they want to continue to do things that are popular that will get them views instead of what catches their attention. When in fact the more you are passionate about something and committed to something the more people with those same feelings, passion and interests will gravitate towards you. A lot of Vloggers and Gamers get big that way. Don't try to fake it though, it has to be natural. People can pick up on disengenious behavior, just look at iJustine and GGG.