Dog Cam: Attempt 1


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This was a half a** attempt to just strap my GoPro to my dog about a week ago. It was only the second day I had it, so I'm still experimenting to find better ways to mount.

ok it's a bit shaky but looks cool :D
maybe you can put the cam on his back? the best view would be on his head, but i know.. he won't like it^^
can he hold something in his mound for a while? you could try to mount the cam on a stick or something like this?
ok it's a bit shaky but looks cool :D
maybe you can put the cam on his back? the best view would be on his head, but i know.. he won't like it^^
can he hold something in his mound for a while? you could try to mount the cam on a stick or something like this?

I just posted the slow mo version, it looks a lot better