Does the feedback system do anything? [Misc FD]


New Member
My front page on youtube is almost worthless right now. I watched an old SNL skit and now my page is half SNL which I don't want to block altogether, I just don't want to watch them all the time. I keep telling it "Not interested" but it doesn't seem to slow down it's recommendation.
The one or two channels that I do consistently watch like Primitive Technology it won't stop re-recommending all the old videos that I've already watched even though I constantly tell it I'm not interested in things I've already seen.
I've watched one stupid video about Skyrim and now it endlessly recommends weird niche channels where people drone on and on about skyrim lore.
Listened to a lo-fi hip hop channel twice and now it won't stop offering me lo-fi hip hop channels no matter how many times I say I'm not interested in that type of video and no matter how many times I block a channel.
There are so many videos I watch that the algorithm seems to just ignore altogether, and then just a very select few that it sinks its teeth into and just won't let go of. Any way to more forcefully tell it to f**k off with some recommendations?