Does teaming up with other people help you develop your script?

Gavin Robert Shiel

Active Member
For a while now ive ambitiously set out to write down and produce an unreal amount of content that has kept my head spinning for a good few years now, however i sometimes struggle to even get past the developing stages as i start to write and everything spills out like a break in a dam.

I believe this is from my ADHD and Asperger's syndrome, which i normally am good for keeping heavily under control, however when i begin to get creative i tend to have a hundred different stories trying to flood out and at times it scares me to the point of force-ably putting my pen down and doubting myself.

If i could introduce you to people i know they'd tell you my stories are of that amazing and deep, with rich background and detail but its getting from mind to paper with these i struggle with.

I have noticed that when im around a group of people who i can bounce ideas off the ability to produce quality scripts and stories becomes almost a breeze.

physically or digitally these groups have in the past provided me with the amazing ability to finally empty my head of what seems like a thunderstorm at the moment (i refer to the idea that there is so much in my head that its pressurizing)

I want to write my stories, script them into working material and finally get to what ive allways wanted to do and give them a shot in front of a camera.

Is there any groups of people who agree and have a private community to talk among one another? either via Skype of a chat room? or if their is people in the Northumberland / Newcastle Area of the UK who have meet ups? id be really interested to become apart of a community that backs one another in their personal and professional development.

Thanks for reading guys!
I reckon that you'll be able to find a powerful group for Skype on these forums. If not, check ChannelPages - that's an awesome collab website.

If you're having trouble writing just one story without hundreds interfering, the best thing is to probably plan to the extreme.

I mean like for each idea you have, once you have the plot, think of how the story ends FIRST, then how it begins, and then fill in the rest. If you do this for each separate idea, even if you have 500 ideas on the go at once, then each document will be planned successfully.

Also plan individual milestones/events.

I know you don't need a masterclass in script writing, but these small steps may help if you don't already do them.

You see, the only issue I have with groups helping the script writing, is if the idea really kicks off on YouTube (or TV/Film if it becomes truly successful) then you'll have a bunch of people claiming ideas, and in return royalties.

It's a difficult decision which I've probably made harder, but you really need to decide for yourself whether or not you want people interfering with your ideas, or whether you want it to be all yours.
I agree with you on everything there, and yes your totally right i am probably best off working on my projects as an individual.

As the scripting and writing of the stories go, that's a completely different thing.

Where you mentioned to think of how it ends first sadly is quite irrelevant, because the stories and their entire universe has already been created within my mind, in fact i believe its because of the size of such stories is the reason why i battle to go from mind to paper.

I have not just got little stories based on one person floating around, bumping into other stories but more like vast planets, all colliding for their rightful place to be told.
I do sometimes amaze myself on how i can just lie in bed and wash through years of a characters story, watching every bit of detail pass by, all the way from what the characters are wearing, to their voices and personalities, it is truly extraordinary.

I feel that is where the clash happens and also the inability to write one story at a time, however i think the extreme planning may be in order, that might work.

Ive wanted to do this for years now, and the simple overwhelming desire to portray these stories to people in the for of film is the reason these remarkable worlds still exist within my mind.

Hopefully i can get them out.

As for groups, i think what i was looking more for was that initial kick in the backside, the people who can just push me that little further, where i feel im about to fall down.

Thank you tho for that advice, i will take it greatly into consideration when finally sitting down and getting to work.
I do sometimes amaze myself on how i can just lie in bed and wash through years of a characters story, watching every bit of detail pass by, all the way from what the characters are wearing, to their voices and personalities, it is truly extraordinary.

From the above, it looks like you're extremely lucky. I see it more as a gift, than a curse.

I wish you good luck with your projects!