Does click bait work?


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One of my favourite websites (BuzzFeed) and one of my favourite youtubers (Vsauce) all use titles that are very your opinion does a click bait title work or does it come across as off-putting or not genuine?

Would love to see what you think with regards to making future videos.
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I definitely think it does. Like many news sites and stuff similar they all their make articles very clickbaity, most of time the article itself will be disappointing/not what you were expecting...

On YouTube I think the titles can be very clickbaitish but for me the thumbnails are usually more so!
Be careful with it though because it people feel like the title/thumbnail has misled them then you could get a lot of hate/dislikes on that video :)
Thanks for your opinion Ian! I think you've got a good point with the hates/dislikes. I guess what one has to do is make good content that goes along with the click bait title.

That or just Rick Roll them. ;)
It honestly annoys the crap out of me when the title says one thing, but the video is not even remotely relevant. As long as the title has something to do with the video I don't mind, but when the title is completely misleading, it's obnoxious.
I think clickbait bothers me a lot less on YouTube than it does on a site like Buzzfeed...maybe it's because the titles of videos at least have SOMETHING to do with the content, wheres a lot of other typed click bait doesn't. Maybe it's just me but I think as long as it relates in some way, I think you can get away with it.
Clickbait can be useful as nuts, and you won't believe where... *link*

Joking apart, I can't stand clickbait.
As long as the content is relevant and good then I dont see it being harmful at all.
Agreed! Philip DeFranco and his company Sourcefed do it all the time, I don't get upset by it - I just see it for what it is: smart. They'll get more views that way, and someone who wouldn't have clicked now realizes what a funny channel they stumbled upon. As long as it's a quality video that kind of pokes fun, then I think it's good. If it's a controversial topic, maybe be more wary? Use good judgement :D