Does Anybody Have An Opinion On Camtasia?


Well-Known Member
I have always used windows movie maker to edit my videos however it always seems to mess up some of the jump cuts when i save my project. I also feel very limited when using movie maker in terms of having picture and text on the screen it's pretty sad when i think of an idea but can't do it due to my editing software. Because of this some gaming youtuber friends recommended camtasia as it's apparently still quite simple but you can preform lots of editing tasks, as i was wondering what your opinion was and if there are any editing software you would recommend but i don't want it to be too complicated? for example i was going to get lightworks however after watching some tutorials i decided against it as it looked to hard to use for just simple jump cuts and music.
It's a pretty good editing software, but I'm not spending money on any editing software unless it's Sony Vegas Pro :)
its kind of basic i would say compared to say sony vegas pro 11 and after effects. I have sony vegas pro 11 and camtasia but never use camtasia because its very simple. I dont really need a pro video editor as all i do is speed up a video and add music to it but i still use vegas and I would say its up to you. You should watch some reviews of the softwares on youtube and then pick one
I would really recommend taking a look at Vegas Pro. You can get the trial and play with it, and see how well it goes.
It's an okay program to use. Better than Windows Live Movie Maker. I found that Camtasia was not good with previewing .MOV files and had to convert the files over to .MP4 before editing. If you want something more I definitely recommend you check out Sony Vegas Pro.