Do YouTubers have a Responsibility to Moderate their Comments?

JV Trammell

A Filmmaker/Vlogger attempting to make you laugh.
Should YouTubers be responsible for what their audience does or says? Should YouTubers delete bullying-esc comments, and be trying to create a 'safe place' in their comment section? Also, should Tubers be held responsible if a portion of their audience forms an online mob to go hate on other videos/creators?
Should YouTubers delete bullying-esc comments, and be trying to create a 'safe place' in their comment section?
It's nice and considerate if you want that kind of environment on your channel. I personally don't think people should need safe spaces in order to do or say the things they want.

Also, should Tubers be held responsible if a portion of their audience forms an online mob to go hate on other videos/creators?

I believe everyone should responsible for their own actions and not the actions of others unless they have willingly taken responsibility beforehand. But if the YouTuber says things to incite violence or promote hatred, that's bad regardless of the actions of the audience.
comment section is a free for all. but id aim for a more mature group of subscribers so there arent 10 yr old key board warriors insulting you and your mom or anyother immature subject they can.

if it bothers you turn off comments or go down there put on your stompin boots and get to work letting people know you dont appriciate what they have said but athe end of the day negative people will be negative and from now till the end of he internet there will always be comments people find rude or dont want to read its territory of free speech
Should YouTubers be responsible for what their audience does or says? Should YouTubers delete bullying-esc comments, and be trying to create a 'safe place' in their comment section? Also, should Tubers be held responsible if a portion of their audience forms an online mob to go hate on other videos/creators?
I've thought about this too with all the changes they are making with the comment section. It will allow other viewers to see only want they want them to see which worries me a little. I think they are cool features when used correctly, but could also be bad by manipulating what others see.
I police my comment section because I can. I don't have to delete comments often though, most of the comments I get are of the positive and encouraging kind.
I assume if you only get 10 or so comments per video it'll be a lot easier to police the comments, but way too much to ask if you're getting thousands, unless you get that really bad one.

It's not so much of a 'safe place', but more of a matter of why would you want assholes ruining your comment section for everybody?
Yt should have an auto-delete feature for any comments that don't pass a creator made filter. That way I don't need to skim read the abusive/spam posts prior to deleting them and waste my time.
I don't know about others, but I heavily filter the comments. Nothing but happy, cheerful comments get through (and keyboards mashes from the little ones) Swearing and abuse is not tolerated in schools (at least where we live), it should not be tolerated online or Yt.
Yt should have an auto-delete feature for any comments that don't pass a creator made filter. That way I don't need to skim read the abusive/spam posts prior to deleting them and waste my time.
I don't know about others, but I heavily filter the comments. Nothing but happy, cheerful comments get through (and keyboards mashes from the little ones) Swearing and abuse is not tolerated in schools (at least where we live), it should not be tolerated online or Yt.

Our word blacklist is so huge it's scary. I like the idea of there being an auto delete feature on any comments that contain words we blacklist. I go through the held comments daily and find that I delete most of them.
I also have made a massive blacklist, and it keeps growing all the time. Whenever a new offensive phrase pops up, onto the blacklist it goes! I even put "check out my channel" as a blacklisted word, and now all that annoying spam is being caught in the filter. ^^

I started to heavily moderate the comments once I realized that I had a very wide range in age groups (with my 3rd-most watched being kids/teenagers) and a very international audience watching.

I think it depends on your audience and how you present yourself in your videos. If you are swearing all the time in your videos, then I don't think it would make as much sense to heavily moderate the comments for swear words.