Do you upload Twitch streams to Youtube?


Well-Known Member
Just curious to see where other gamers stand on this.

If you're not familiar with it, when you stream to, it is recorded. Once the stream is over, you have the option to upload this recording to Youtube. Twitch has the ability to break these up into smaller 15 minute videos, or upload it as one consecutive video.

Any advice or ideas for best practices? Do you upload the whole thing? Upload it in parts and private the ones you don't want/need on your channel? Just leave the twitch content only on twitch?
Depending on what I'm streaming I will either stream on Youtube or Twitch if I am doing anything charity related I use Twitch because they have a better live chat unlike YouTube whos chat is just a glorified comment system.

As for parts or full, I guess it really depends. It is much easier to upload it in one big part but you have to think about your audience retention and how long on average they actually watch your videos. if the retention is short then upload in parts which will also bring you more money as well as views in the long run. If your audience preers longer videos then cater to what they like because you will get further in the long run.