Do you set yourself milestone challenges?


I write comedy and people tell me that it's funny.
I recently looked at (my incredibly naff) bucket list.
I saw two items on there.
1. Become a vegetarian for 21 days.
2. Reach 500 subscribers.

I thought I'd combine these two items on my list and say that when I reach 500 I'll vlog 21 days of vegetarianism.
My question is have you ever set yourself these little challenges? If so what were they and what was the milestone?
I haven't really thought about setting milestones in daily life, but on youtube, yes.
Past youtube milestones were:
- get 10 subs
- get 1,000 views.
New ones are:
- get 50 subs
- get 2,000 views
- get a good HD camera for really awesome quality videos (and this one will be on-going for until I have either won Canon 600D through the Youtube Video Marketing Challenge I'm taking part in, OR I have enough money to go buy it).
I've not done so for a long time, but recently I've embarked on one to get at least one photoshoot a fortnight (with the photography) and tie it into a new photography channel. It's mostly for personal growth, and to develop new techniques for equipment because I always just assume there's a better way of doing things than what's been dictated or instructed to me in the past :P
I've not done so for a long time, but recently I've embarked on one to get at least one photoshoot a fortnight (with the photography) and tie it into a new photography channel. It's mostly for personal growth, and to develop new techniques for equipment because I always just assume there's a better way of doing things than what's been dictated or instructed to me in the past :p

Good luck. I hope you reach your goals
I don't usually talk about my YouTube milestones. I don't know why, really. I just don't.

I haven't done the obligatory "I made partner" video, or anything else.

I am coming up on a big one (for me anyway) though. 250,000 total video views. I'll hit it in the next month or so.

That one, I may mention when it gets here. lol :D
I haven't set real youtube channel goals yet. Thinking of doing that BUT I don't want to get discouraged if I don't meet them.
One of my goals was to network with 'YouTubers' and I joined this forum two days ago. I've learned so much already!
I guess my goal was 250+ subs and that would've been a big achievement for me. Unfortunately due to some monetizing error.. I had to upload all the videos in my other channel.. leaving behind all 130+ subs. So I'm back to 30 subs now. I need to re-set my goal now :D
I don't really have any milestone's, but I can put a short one in now:

- Reach 10 subscribers
- Reach 1,000/1,500 total video views
I'm trying to get to 500 before the New Year. I feel like I'm slowing down in subs but yet I'm getting close to my target!