Different Day, Different Problem.

Ryan CG

Super Poster
Hey strangers, I was hopin' to hear a little bit of feedback on my upcoming channel ideas.

The plan is to (eventually) be doing a different type of video for each of the 5 weekdays, Mon-Fri, and I wanna have the different days set from the beginning so there isn't too much shifting around once things have started off... Measure twice, cut once and all that. The intention is that the categories are specific to a theme, but vague enough that I have enough freedom to do what I want with the days.

Anyway, here are the five current day ideas:
-Manly Monday
-Tuesday Boozeday
-World Wide Wednesday
-Random Thursday
-Fact || Fiction Friday

Manly Monday
: Videos that relate to sex/gender in some way, be it sarcastic bro-tastic vids or me undergoing my girlfriend's daily makeup routine.

Tuesday Boozeday: Videos that relate to alcohol, usually teaching cocktails, inventing and/or playing a drinking game, discussing drinking culture.

World Wide Wednesday: Videos that relate to YouTube and the internet on the whole, such as tags and challenges, etc. Pretty broad, probably include commenting on comments, Q&A.

Random Thursday: The day where I really can do whatever I want. Since the other days aren't really focused on me and my specific hobbies, I do suspect a lot of "me" stuff would fall into here.

Fact || Fiction Friday: That's read as Fact or Fiction Friday. Generally educational video material, such as explaining away common misconceptions or boiling down complex concepts.

So, what do you think of the names themselves? Too cheesy, not interesting, not descriptive enough?
What about the content of the different days?
Any feedback y'all could give me would be much appreciated. I think my girlfriend is getting a little tired of me consulting her on all of this. :) None of these things are finalized yet at all, but I want to get started on things pretty soon, and this seems like the perfect place to get some advice. Thanks in advance!
The only one that's throwing me off is "random thursday" all the other ones play on the sound of the day involved, and then random thursday just kinda seems like the odd man out. Maybe like.. Actually I don't have time to try to think of a suggestion for you, nothing's coming immediately. But yeah that one just seemed to not fit with the others to me.
I agree with @Symph! I actually didn't notice that until it was mentioned but other than that, it sounds like a cool channel set-up, just be sure not to make it too confusing because it sounds like a lot to handle if that makes sense. :) The content of the videos sound quite intriguing though and I think they are good ideas! :)
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
Yeah, what I was going for with "Random Thursday" was that the fact that the title broke away from the pattern of alliteration/rhyming that it'd be "random" in itself, but if that doesn't really come through and it just flat out sounds awkward/weird then maybe it needs to change. If anyone can think of any other ideas, that'd be appreciated!

Hmm. Thursday Nerdsday, maybe? Is that trying too hard?

Thanks for moving it to the correct forum... I thought for sure I'd put it in the right spot, but I guess the branding forum is more for graphics? I pegged this forum for being more on the specific episode level of planning. Anyway, gracias!
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
Yeah, what I was going for with "Random Thursday" was that the fact that the title broke away from the pattern of alliteration/rhyming that it'd be "random" in itself, but if that doesn't really come through and it just flat out sounds awkward/weird then maybe it needs to change. If anyone can think of any other ideas, that'd be appreciated!

Hmm. Thursday Nerdsday, maybe? Is that trying too hard?

Thanks for moving it to the correct forum... I thought for sure I'd put it in the right spot, but I guess the branding forum is more for graphics? I pegged this forum for being more on the specific episode level of planning. Anyway, gracias!
I like it! And I should have mentioned before, I grasped that that was the intent, I just don't think it really... the intent doesn't hit the mind when you're just reading it back. I like the NerdsDay thing though it's funny.
Alright folks, I have basically decided on the final setup being as proposed with the Thursday Nerdsday.
Manly Monday
Tuesday Booze-day
World Wide Wednesday
Thursday Nerds-day
Fact or Fiction Friday

And I've got a nice amount of ideas all lined up, so I feel good about it. :)
Next question to the crowd, though: What greeting should I use?
Originally, I was starting off videos with "Hey all", but dang if that isn't easier to read/write than it is to hear/say. Turns into a donkey braying "heeyolll".

For whatever reason, I've been liking opening up with "Hey Stranger", kinda gets me in a more light-hearted and almost flirtatious mood from the get go, and I like it working on the level of it being simultaneously kind of affectionate but noting the fact that we're all just internet strangers.

I dunno. What do you guys think of it? Or is it just kind of super weird? Tell meeee. :)