This is crazy, we have to fill this each time we upload now?
And what do I even reply? For instance, I have a character from Roblox with a mod that has guns and they shoot, and there's small blood pixels for like 30 seconds out of a 15 minute video, do I really have to say its "mild violence"? sounds ridiculous to me. It says it will still show ads, but I don't want to mark it as "mild violence" because im paranoid this will hinder how much it gets recommended (generally I would assume "family friendly" content gets the higher chances at being recommended, and it's not conspiracy the fact that videos get throttled, see p-score controversy). Last thing I need is work my a** for weeks in a video and then have it throttled because I click on some box.
So yeah, im considering just pressing a button that says "none of the above" and be done with it because I want to release the video already and it wouldn't let me until I answer all those questions. The rest of the stuff definitely doesn't impact me, im just worried about the violence part because there's a gun and some minecrafty red square blocks which are supposedly blood.. seems a bit silly to me to claim its literally "mild violence" but who knows with this nonsense rules. What's the worst that can happen? I assume they will not give you a strike unless it was obviously missleading and its the first video I've ever seen this being asked to me, but in my case I think im fine claiming none of the above applies. Geez dealing with Youtube is increasingly annoying. There's always some bs going on. I just want to relax and be creative and not have to deal with these things like back in the day.