Desperate Youtubers


I think its really sad the things people do on youtube to get views sometimes.Ive probably mentioned this in my previous threads but desperation isnt gonna get you anywhere.Ive seen some crazy and I mean crazy things people have done to get views in my career and just as a viewer on youtube.Some examples are "thereplygirl" as she uses her sexuality to achieve views and attention.(Im not going to post a thumbnail from her videos for appropriate reasons but if you wish to see them you can search her yourself) Its really pathetic in my opinion and it truly shows how fame-hungry people are in todays world.Heres some tips on why you shouldnt be a desperate youtuber. It can lead to: 1.******* people off 2.wasting your time 3.wasting other people's time or 4.all the above As a community lets rise above these standards and actually build popularity from our talents,not from our greed.
I hate TheReplyGirl, MeganSpeaks, and all those other channels that respond to popular videos with crappy ones just to get more views. In my opinion, their videos should be deleted off of YouTube.
thereplygirl only did it to monetize the videos and earn huge amounts of money quickly just like Megan. She must of made around $15k since she was partnered with her 3 channels or whatever.. I don't think it was for fame imo
I don't want to be infamous. I'd rather be unknown and accomplishing NOTHING than be infamous. Yet somehow, for some reason, people can't tell that infamy is a BAD thing. It's not a GOOD thing when the whole world knows you you are cause they can't stand you. Yet there are sick weird people out there who some how get off on being hated.. what the heck happened there man, that's an epic fail at life right there.
Yeah, it does suck. But, keeping it real I wouldn't mind having that one video that could make me that kind of steady money even if it's less than honest. i disagree with building an entire channel around it though.
Im making video about this subject! its pathetic how reply girls use youtube as a source of money and fame and get views because they have arrows pointing to their breasts!
Im making video about this subject! its pathetic how reply girls use youtube as a source of money and fame and get views because they have arrows pointing to their breasts!


Why make a video when they are no longer able to game the system. It just seems pointless to keep beating a dead dog.