D- on Social Blade? Why?

Jack Decker

YTtalk Mad
Just checked my new channel's profile on Social Blade and it got a "D-". :( What does that mean? If you want to check out my Social Blade page for the channel, search for "Decker Poker". I currently have over 1,000 subs (1,769 to be precise). Was under 200 and very slowly growing then one of my videos got a tiny bit popular and my subs jumped to over 1,300. Then they dropped down by over 600 and then came back and grew more. As for why the roller coaster, no clue. As for why the initial jump, I think that's because it all happened during the 24-hour reign of a video where I won a poker tournament. My channel is a "Let's Play" gaming channel where I participate in online play-money poker tournaments. As for why the recent rebound, no clue. No guess. So why the "D-"? What does it mean? Now it looks like they haven't taken into account the rebound so is the "D-" simply because of the 600+ drop in subs?
it means absolutely nothing. its a completely pointless website with incorrect stats and accusations of peoples incomes which are completely fabricated. i'd love to see the supposed “£650 ESTIMATED YEARLY EARNINGS” they falsely allege i receive. i make £0 from my channel. don't waste your time.
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Yeah Socialblade is way behind! It even says that my monthly earnings is between 26 - 422 USD. When my monetisations hasn´t been on since the change!
So look only for the dailt views and subs growth, and bear in mind that they are behind on that as well!
Social blade isn't always the most accurate, but even if it is that 'mark' doesn't really mean anything.
Usually it counts for 'growth', but also takes into account views your channel has got in previous months/years so if you had a good run for a few months and it dropped back off, Social Blade will take that into account with your score.
I've had people I thought were doing really well on YT (small channels) have low marks (like yours) and other people who I thought had plateaued or maybe weren't doing as well, but they had higher marks

It's a mystery, honestly...
It most definitely has to do with your crazy socialblade stats. Obviously channels can gain them very quickly, but those numbers are very wacky and it's probably throwing their algorithm off. I would wait for the numbers to settle out and then maybe it can get a better read on how your channel is growing.

The letter score doesn't like drops, I sometimes watch a 600k sub channel that is losing subs daily, they are at a C+ and I have a B-...