Curse Union For Gamers


New Member
Hello Forums!
I have been accepted to join the curse network! I am very excited to join them because of the news I've heard about them and I'm finally leaving Freedom! I was wondering about their CPM. Is it low, high or fixed. Am I better off just sticking to YouTube's partnership. Or will I get my channel taken down due to gaming videos. Thanks
in terms of earnings you are most of the time better of with adsense as you are only sharing rev with them. But not being partnered can leave you a bit more exposed.

One thing is for sure, cpm is never fixed on any network
I heard good things about curse so give them i try and let us know :)
Thanks for the response! I worked hard for the requirements! Even though the requirements aren't that high, for a smaller channel it was!
in terms of earnings you are most of the time better of with adsense as you are only sharing rev with them. But not being partnered can leave you a bit more exposed.
I heard good things about curse so give them i try and let us know :)
Hello Forums!
I have been accepted to join the curse network! I am very excited to join them because of the news I've heard about them and I'm finally leaving Freedom! I was wondering about their CPM. Is it low, high or fixed. Am I better off just sticking to YouTube's partnership. Or will I get my channel taken down due to gaming videos. Thanks

Its CPM used to be $3 per 1K views, but that changed though, but if you have a lot of US viewers. You may get a high cpm.