Currently Fighting Two Claims on My Latest Project

daniel burgio

I Love YTtalk
I have a claim for the Doctor Who theme and a song from Star Wars (used to help parody the famous Vader-Luke revelation scene). Wish me luck! The disputes were already rejected and I've appealed that. If (or more likely, when) the appeals are rejected I am going to go to the next step, which is the counter claim. I'll let you all know how that goes if I have to. It's a little known step in the process, but I'll see just how effective it is.
A youtube called Your Movie Sucks made a video talking about the strike process and how to fight it which is pretty helpful we found.
well, my channel is very small and pretty dead, so I dont have anything to lose if it gets shut down. I have all my videos around so I'm good. I'm going to fight these because I'm covered by fair use.
well, my channel is very small and pretty dead, so I dont have anything to lose if it gets shut down. I have all my videos around so I'm good. I'm going to fight these because I'm covered by fair use.

I am rooting for you! we need to help small channels like this one
I have a claim for the Doctor Who theme and a song from Star Wars (used to help parody the famous Vader-Luke revelation scene). Wish me luck! The disputes were already rejected and I've appealed that. If (or more likely, when) the appeals are rejected I am going to go to the next step, which is the counter claim. I'll let you all know how that goes if I have to. It's a little known step in the process, but I'll see just how effective it is.

I've moved your thread to the copyright forum. :)
Interestingly, I have a Doctor Who Intro video going up in 2 hours. It doesn't have a claim on it yet, though, but I'm sure it will. Normally I appeal all rejected disputes, but if they reply saying they will take it down in 7 days, I cancel the appeal unless it gets enough views to make at least $1 per month, which, for me, is at least 56 views a day.
I just wanna smack this stupid crap down. My video is clearly parodying the claimants' materials. And they're just doing the blanket claim and reject.