Creating Compelling Side/Filler Plots For Story


So I've been working on my script for my youtube channel (which is basically a year long story with about 2 episodes a week relating to the story). As the story goes, I signed a deal a couple years ago to do a show on YouTube every day for a year. Needless to say, I completed the year, however, 450 000 views, 1100 subscriber and countless man hours later; my YouTube channel was removed (not just in story line). Before it was removed, I signed an extension with my censor to do another year for his company. Thanks to them exploiting loopholes, I was going to lose my name and have to go work for the company as a censor (only 24kevin can do the show on a company approved channel). Luckily on my Birthday, I officially turned 24 and therefore could be officially known as 24Keivn (got to love those loop holes). Turns out there were a lot more to me signing that deal than I originally thought. There was a plot afoot, on that made me forget my family (24 of us in total... cool little coincidence... yes?) and apparently they can't remember me either! Oh and there's a prophecy that says I have to save the world... confused yet? Basically, I get part of my memories back for every brother that I find, but I have to find this prophecy in order to save the world. Now, I know how I want the story to end, and some major plot points in the middle, but I'm having trouble writing little side plots/stories for the weekly episodes to keep the show going. I have plenty of characters to use, it's just a matter of making sure the story flows and keeps people interested through the whole year. Any suggestions on how to write with a specific end goal in mind?
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Creating some sort of events that the audience has to put together...

Also format your post.. I was reading and couldn't tell when your story started.. and I was like.. um wat.
Creating some sort of events that the audience has to put together...

Also format your post.. I was reading and couldn't tell when your story started.. and I was like.. um wat.

I try and only fill in bits and pieces of my memory from different times, so bits and pieces about everything is slowly filled in.. or at least tries to drive the story forward