So I've been working on my script for my youtube channel (which is basically a year long story with about 2 episodes a week relating to the story). As the story goes, I signed a deal a couple years ago to do a show on YouTube every day for a year. Needless to say, I completed the year, however, 450 000 views, 1100 subscriber and countless man hours later; my YouTube channel was removed (not just in story line). Before it was removed, I signed an extension with my censor to do another year for his company. Thanks to them exploiting loopholes, I was going to lose my name and have to go work for the company as a censor (only 24kevin can do the show on a company approved channel). Luckily on my Birthday, I officially turned 24 and therefore could be officially known as 24Keivn (got to love those loop holes). Turns out there were a lot more to me signing that deal than I originally thought. There was a plot afoot, on that made me forget my family (24 of us in total... cool little coincidence... yes?) and apparently they can't remember me either! Oh and there's a prophecy that says I have to save the world... confused yet? Basically, I get part of my memories back for every brother that I find, but I have to find this prophecy in order to save the world. Now, I know how I want the story to end, and some major plot points in the middle, but I'm having trouble writing little side plots/stories for the weekly episodes to keep the show going. I have plenty of characters to use, it's just a matter of making sure the story flows and keeps people interested through the whole year. Any suggestions on how to write with a specific end goal in mind?
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