Creating a new account and monetization


Active Member
Hi folks,

I'm considering creating a new account for my next video - as it's aimed at a different niche of people to my core audience of my main channel. However, my current account is in good standing copyright wise. If I want to monetize videos on a new channel, will I end up with delays etc on the video being monetized?

Any help is appreciated.

You'll be fine monetizing on your new account but first, is there a dire need to create a new channel and re-grow it just for one different video? If it's a series yeah, I understand you'll have to separate it so your audience will be different but if there is no dire necessary need, just stick with your old channel! :)
Setting up a new account to monetize a different category of videos is very easy and the right thing to do. Takes about 5minutes.
I have 2 separate accounts right now. The thing is though with the second one, you won't have a good URL until you have 1k subs.
Okay thanks guys. Im hoping to create more after the first video on that channel but wanted to check whether I'd struggle to get videos monetized on the new channel. Sounds like it will be okay!

Cheers guys!