"Countdown" Channel Seeking Ideas!

Zack Wellman

Graphic Designer
Hello champions!

I just launched my latest project, "Zack Attack" - I do Top 5/7/10 videos.

I'm looking for some ideas for videos, literally post the most random topic you can below and I'll do my best to make it a video!

Here's what I have under my belt so far,

- 5 Vet Ranch Miracles
- 5 Creepy Unfilmed Horror Locations
- 5 Odd & Unusual Deaths
- 5 Disturbing Horror Films

The channel was originally going to be "Horror" themed, but I've decided to step back into a more general area in order to increase the channels appeal.

I'm also planning on doing Dub videos (Infomercial parodies, etc), and the occasional Interview or Collaboration.

Let me know what twisted and hilarious topics are in your head guys!
Top 5 Freakiest unsolved murders (something like unsolved occult murders)
Top 5 Haunted houses (could do like the Winchester Mystery Mansion and like the Queen Mary)
Top 5 Strangest things you can buy on Amazon (like live lady bugs)
Top 5 Oddest Real Book titles (For example "The Haunted Vagina")

Anything like that work?
Your channel is great. Good editing and commentary. Here are my suggestions:

-Top 5 Movie Villains
-Top 5 Celebrity Plastic Surgery Disasters
-Top 5 Terrible Movie Sequels
-Top 5 Horror Video Games
-Top 5 Disney Villains
-Top 5 Hollywood Douchebags
-Top 5 Annoying Characters in good movies
-Top 5 Overrated TV Shows
-Top 5 Overrated Movies

Hope some of these helped