Could anyone help with my channel design?


Dude with a guitar :P
My channel is really plain, i've never really thought to change it for some reason. Has anyone got any idea as to what would sort with the stuff I do?
All I can think of is guitars, but I imagine it might be a pretty poor choice to have.
Anyone got anything? :S
What I did with my background was just have the 2 guitars I use, but with a banner you could have your guitar, and in the background like a black background with your favourite artists in a text colour of your choice, or even have you sorta standing behind it :)
Well you could do the guitar thing and then add a few of the things you like to do besides that. Or maybe add a some more musical aspects to it :). You know music notes or sheet music :). Maybe put yourself on the side making some kind of pose with music notes coming out and leading into a guitar or something lol. That actually sounds kind of cool now that I think about it :p.
Something I think would look cool is a background with sound waves on it like the ones in the windows visualization. Really bright and neon like. Also adding a few guitars faded into the background along with some effect pedals would look nice.