Copyright montage question? Gaming


Hello are you and I make gaming videos I want to make a montage but the only consul I have is a PC with and the only thing I have is Minecraft and I want to make a call of duty montage will I be able to get various videos of people playing call duty edit it to get to make the Montage without having the copyrig problems or legal problems if they were to sue for me using their footage. I know I could always ask but a montage requires a lot of cool footage and I don't have time to message 40 - 50 people and wait for a response. Will my video be considered a remix and I heard remix are fair use
Hello are you and I make gaming videos I want to make a montage but the only consul I have is a PC with and the only thing I have is Minecraft and I want to make a call of duty montage will I be able to get various videos of people playing call duty edit it to get to make the Montage without having the copyrig problems or legal problems if they were to sue for me using their footage. I know I could always ask but a montage requires a lot of cool footage and I don't have time to message 40 - 50 people and wait for a response. Will my video be considered a remix and I heard remix are fair use

Despite your lack of punctuation I gathered that you want to just use other people's footage to make a montage? No, that is almost certainly not fair use, at least they way you're describing it. Throwing together random clips is not transformative. I'm not going to get into the details of fair use. You need to get permission.
i be using wolf wraith and thio joe video in my montages and i didnt even ask permission now i am as famous as they are i make so much money its not funny they didnt want their videos anyway even if they did upload to youtube google cant stop me and neither can you i laugh at your misfortune

Uh...I You can't use other peoples videos without their permission.

(Sorry, got caught up in the moment.)
I don't have time to message 40 - 50 people and wait for a response.
I really love this line, and honestly this question should be self explanatory. If you didn't make it and it does not state that you can use it for other videos then you ALWAYS have to ask for permission. Also on a side note I wish they allowed bigger text on here because I want to make the always more bold for questions like these.