Copyright Claims

IDK Games

Ordinary Gamer
So YouTube has slapped some Copyright claims on several of our videos, such as every Super Mario 3D World video, the New Super Mario Bros. video, and the latest Hyrule Warriors video. I've looked at them and most of them have said the video had "Visual content administered by Nintendo" or "Third Party Content" or something about part of the music playing. Of course Nintendo stuff will be in there. It's a game made by Nintendo. 95% of the videos we upload are by Nintendo. In the latest Hyrule Warriors video, it said "Visual content administered by: Nintendo" at the point in the video where it showed a Cuccoo. Are you kidding me? My video's monetization was turned off because a Cuccoo appeared in the video? Is this really Copyright at all? None of the other Hyrule Warriors videos had a claim slapped on them. All of our videos are Let's Plays. Even for more popular YouTubers are uploading games like these. Should I dispute this?
You do realise you're uploading videos of games published by 1 of the least let's play friendly companies in the gaming industry right? Sadly Nintendo have every right to claim these (no matter how bad it is, morally speaking), you can't dispute them as you don't have permission to use the content, unless you somehow got written permission from Nintendo but most smaller channels would have more luck pulling a Unicorn out their butt. The other option is to acknowledge the claims, you can dispute them at a later date if you choose to. Nintendo generally won't take things much further at least not from what I've heard but they do like to claim content they publish because apparently they don't like the coverage of their games. This is why I avoid doing Nintendo related stuff.
You do realise you're uploading videos of games published by 1 of the least let's play friendly companies in the gaming industry right? Sadly Nintendo have every right to claim these (no matter how bad it is, morally speaking), you can't dispute them as you don't have permission to use the content, unless you somehow got written permission from Nintendo but most smaller channels would have more luck pulling a Unicorn out their butt. The other option is to acknowledge the claims, you can dispute them at a later date if you choose to. Nintendo generally won't take things much further at least not from what I've heard but they do like to claim content they publish because apparently they don't like the coverage of their games. This is why I avoid doing Nintendo related stuff.
I think it's more that they like money.
If I remember right you have to pay Nintendo a % of the money your videos that involve their content.
I think it's more that they like money.
Kind of the same thing in Nintendo's case :p
If I remember right you have to pay Nintendo a % of the money your videos that involve their content.
Not yet, Nintendo is apparently looking into working with a network where they can make deals where creators can get a cut and Nintendo get a cut as well. I'm against the whole idea since it won't stop them claiming videos outside of whatever network they collaborate with.
So YouTube has slapped some Copyright claims on several of our videos, such as every Super Mario 3D World video, the New Super Mario Bros. video, and the latest Hyrule Warriors video. I've looked at them and most of them have said the video had "Visual content administered by Nintendo" or "Third Party Content" or something about part of the music playing. Of course Nintendo stuff will be in there. It's a game made by Nintendo. 95% of the videos we upload are by Nintendo. In the latest Hyrule Warriors video, it said "Visual content administered by: Nintendo" at the point in the video where it showed a Cuccoo. Are you kidding me? My video's monetization was turned off because a Cuccoo appeared in the video? Is this really Copyright at all? None of the other Hyrule Warriors videos had a claim slapped on them. All of our videos are Let's Plays. Even for more popular YouTubers are uploading games like these. Should I dispute this?
Nintendo is a little tight on these kinds of things. If you dispute the videos, you'll just get slapped with a copyright strike. You may have uploaded the video to YouTube, but you can't dispute for something you don't have legal rights to and that you don't own. You should never dispute for something unless it's content you made or you purchased the rights/were allowed to use someone else's video with their permission.
Unfortunately Nintendo quite a strict company for using their games content on YT. trying to dispute would be a pain, my suggestion would be the state at the end of your video the name of the game with copyright logo to the company it belongs to. But Nintendo is a difficult one, that`s why I never monetize my videos with gaming content on them.
Like most people are saying Nintendo are evil for not letting gameplay on YouTube so I'm not sure how you can get around this bro